Sep 26, 2024

Nisiki's Journey Toward Sustainability and Carbon Neutrality

At Nisiki, sustainability drives everything we do, from how we power our factories to how we design and produce our components

Nisiki's Journey Toward Sustainability and Carbon Neutrality

At Nisiki, sustainability drives everything we do, from how we power our factories to how we design and produce our components. Our commitment to responsible practices not only reduces our environmental footprint but also delivers cost savings and contributes to long-term growth.

1. Solar Energy Powers Our Factories

We have already made significant strides toward sustainability by installing solar panels at our manufacturing plants. This clean energy source not only powers our factories but also delivers considerable cost savings by reducing our reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

2. Applying the 6 R’s: Redesign, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Refurbish, Recycle

At Nisiki, we follow the principles of redesign, reduce, reuse, repurpose, refurbish, and recycle in our manufacturing and operations:

  • Redesign: Our latest commutators are designed with less copper, minimizing material usage while maintaining high performance.
  • Recycle: We recycle copper shavings from our production processes, ensuring no material goes to waste.
  • Reduce: We use electric vehicles for local logistics, reducing pollution and improving air quality.
  • Reuse: We reuse cardboard from packaging received to stock certain parts.
  • Refurbish: We refurbish office furniture instead of discarding it, extending its lifecycle.
  • Repurpose: Batteries from EVs are repurposed for alternate uses, such as energy storage for other applications.

3. Achieving Carbon Neutrality: People, Profit, Planet

Nisiki is on the path to carbon neutrality by following a triple bottom line approach that balances people, profit, and planet. We carefully account for our carbon emissions and take active steps to offset them. For example, we use carbon offset tools that help us invest in renewable energy projects, allowing us to neutralize our emissions while contributing to a greener future.

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